創意美術課程 Level II Creation Art Level II
Aged 7 - 10 or completed Creation Art Level I (Maximum 6 students per class) 適合:7 至 10歲 (每班不多於六人)
Course Description
Children will learn to create their own compositions in the final level of Art Development. Utilizing techniques from the preparatory and foundation level, Creation Art combines a full array of techniques for the production of art in whole. Different themes will be explored as well as an opportunity to apply their imagination and initiative. Media of creation: Acrylic, Oil & Dry Pastel, Color Pencil and Watercolor etc This course progresses to Creation Art Level III. 培養學員對身邊事物的敏感度,學習觀察從而掌握繪畫重點,藉作品分享提升對 “ 美” 的觸覺,透過不同媒介學習表達自我的風格,建立學員的自信心及完整的創作思維。 每期會有不同主題,由遼闊的草原到浩瀚的海洋,由對實物仔細的描繪,名畫家的認識和臨摹,到無限制的意念創作等,我們這個課程不但能提升學員的藝術創作能力,亦能把它帶到現實生活上所需的實用領域。 主要媒介:塑膠彩、油粉彩、乾粉彩、水彩及木顏色、素描筆、碳筆等 完成課程後可獲發學生評估及課程證書,並可銜接《創意美術課程 Level III》。