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卡通漫畫班 Comic Drawing
Aged 8 or above (Maximum 6 students per class) 適合 : 8歲或以上 (每班不多於六人)
1 hr1 h
Course Description
Modern illustration has been made popular through youth culture and adults in the 21st century by none other than comic books. The endless genres used in these fictional works are plenty of inspiration for children who will learn to recreate characters from their favorite animations. Our comic drawing class utilizes field professional standard techniques to capture the stylistic essence of cartoons worldwide. 漫畫插圖以其突出的造型、色彩及表情,深受大眾歡迎。本課程著重教授學員從漫畫的草圖、人物造型、線條表現技法、構圖技巧、氣氛營造,並配合不同素材的漫畫彩稿,製作出業界採用的製作方法;令學生更全面地認識及表現專業漫畫的繪畫技巧。
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