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綜合美術課程 Visual Art
Aged 12 or above or completed Creation Art III (Maximum 6 student per class) 適合 : 12歲或以上 (每班不多於六人)
1 hr1 h
Course Description
The basis of all Visual Art begins with knowing how to convey images on paper through pen and paint. This course will enable students to work across a variety of pen and brush disciplines in an inclusive manner to produce solid final pieces. Paint N’ Draw covers a multitude of media to give student exposure to different ‘on flat’ mediums. 此課程既有莊嚴的西洋畫和素描,亦有富趣味的卡通漫畫、藝術家臨摹等。 導師先讓學員嘗試並觀察其不足或錯誤,再從旁指導並即場示範,讓學員能具體掌握全面的繪畫知識及着色技巧,並懂得多方面的表現方式,借此提升學員觀物的觸覺,啟動對繪畫的熱誠,增潤他們的繪畫能力。
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